Deconstructing Styles: Collaborating With Nature
In the second half of the 20th century, artists became more conscientious of the environment and natural world, whether to raise concerns on its deterioration, or to get a better, closer understanding of it. For Andy Goldsworthy, it was the latter. His site-specific works of environmental art are known for their fleeting natural beauty--such as one installed on a beach made of sand, only to be swept away by waves, or one created somewhere so remote as the North Pole to be weathered by gale force winds. Utilization of material at site-specific locations and creating sculpture is known as Land Art, one of many kinds of installation art that involves an environmental approach and redefining artistic conventions. Taking the environmental approach to the most extreme, in 1989 created four huge snow rings at the North Pole. Titled Touching North , the rings indicate magnetic north, though the rings do not indicate direction, as the direction will always be south. Though the temperatures...